Brakes repairs in Chelmsley Wood
Brakes repairs and replacement fitting service in Chelmsley Wood call us on 0121 770 9960 to arrange
If you suspect that your brakes may not be functioning properly contact East Birmingham Autos for a comprehensive fitting, repair and replacement service.
To ensure you are back on the road as quickly and safely as possible we keep thousands of parts in stock such as: discs, drums, cylinders, cables, and many more. We pride ourselves on our honesty and reliability; we will only suggest repairs and replacement on components you actually require at a competitive price.
Contact us to test and repair your brakes
Book your Brake check / repair
Complete your details below and we will give you a call.
Other services we provide
MOT testing
Car Service
Exhaust Repair
Tyres and wheel alignment
Air-con recharge
Diagnostics testing
Motorcycle MOT
How to find East Birmingham Auto Centre, Chelmsley Wood